
Submission of New Experience Rating Plan Filing – Effective December 1, 2024

On July 15, the Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau submitted Filing No. 2401 - Experience Rating Plan (ERP) Revisions. Recent reviews of the ERP recognized some deterioration in the performance and opportunities to enhance the plan.

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DCRB Announces Extension of Rating Window to 150 Days and Introduction of Preliminary Modifications

The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau is extending the rating window from 90 to 150 days prior to the rating effective date, introducing preliminary modifications and no longer holding modifications when there’s a pending rate change. These changes align with industry standards and enable enhanced accuracy and reduced errors.

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Changes To Reporting Requirements For Delaware Medical Data Call Will Streamline Process, Enhance Accuracy

DCRB announces upcoming changes to the reporting requirements for the Delaware Medical Data Call.

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Change to Three Decimals for Loss Costs and Expected Loss Rates

With an increasing payroll exposure base and declining loss costs and rates in the workers compensation system necessitating a shift, the Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau, Inc. (DCRB) is proposing extending the decimal precision of ratemaking and experience rating values from two decimal places (X.XX) to three decimal places (X.XXX) for loss costs and expected loss rates for the Annual Loss Cost Filing effective April 1, 2026.

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Save the Date: Second Annual DCRB Workers Compensation Symposium Set For May 1, 2025

The Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau (PCRB) and Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau, Inc. (DCRB) are pleased to announce that their Second Annual Workers Compensation Symposium (WCS) will be held on Thursday, May 1, 2025, in Philadelphia.

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Publication of Annual Reports

The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau is pleased to announce the release of five of its annual report publications, including the 2023 Annual Report, State of the Line Report, State Activity Report, Medical Activity Report, and Opioid Supplement Report.

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