Note: DCRB Filing No. 1304 has been withdrawn and replaced with DCRB Filing No. 1305 also proposed effective December 1, 2013. Consult DCRB Circular numbers 891 and 892 for further discussion.
On September 25, 2013 the Bureau submitted a residual market rate and voluntary market loss cost filing to the Delaware Insurance Department. That filing, designated as Bureau filing No. 1304, proposed revisions to residual market rates, voluntary market loss costs, related rating values and Manual rules effective December 1, 2013. A complete listing of the proposals and supporting information comprising the Bureaus December 1, 2013 loss cost filing appears below. Clicking on each listed item will allow you to review and/or download the filing materials as needed. Copies of the filing material may be printed once the item(s) in question have been accessed. (Note: In total the filing is quite voluminous. Before printing be sure that you understand the magnitude of the file(s) you will be printing and how your system and equipment will respond to and/or be affected by a print command.) You must have an installed copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view this material. Download the Free Acrobat Reader.
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